ALG is an established Colorado nonprofit of 15 years created to serve the entire African immigrant community to help improve their quality of life. We do it through social, education and economic programs such as youth empowerment and public speaking classes reaching thousands of individuals. Every year during the month of August, we celebrate loudly and proudly the impact African immigrants have in the state of Colorado.
Public Speaking
Come celebrate Public Speaking Class Cohort 11!
After 12 weeks of hard work, it is now time to celebrate the next generation of leaders!
Public Speaking Cohort 11 had many impressive moments highlighted by amazing students, and it is their time to shine.
Join ALG’s Public Speaking Class Cohort 11!
The African Leadership Group's renowned Public Speaking Class is preparing to launch its 11th cohort later this month, and it is not too late fro you to sign up!
Congratulations to the 10th public speaking graduating class!
The African Leadership Group would like to congratulate the amazing students of the Public Speaking Class who graduated Saturday, February 19, 2022.
Announcing the 10th cohort of ALG’s Public Speaking Class!
The popular class is part of our Leadership Initiative, organized to meet the needs of individuals in the local community.
It’s the people who make ALG’s public speaking class a life-changing experience
Any current or former public speaking student will tell you that the name of the class does not begin to capture its content or its live-changing nature. It is more of an empowerment class than a public speaking class.
Senegal’s U.N. ambassador lauds ALG public speaking graduates
Read and watch the speech delivered by the Honorable Cheikh Niang,Senegal's ambassador to the United Nations, at the recent ALG public speaking class graduation.
ALG’s public speaking class mid-term speeches
Here is where you will find compelling speeches by the members of the current African Leadership Group public speaking class.