5th Afrik Impact theme:“The Value in Our Common Voice”
Educational Forum theme: “Defining the Quality Education for our Children Post Covid-19 Era”
ALG strives to achieve educational impact for children of the African diaspora by advocating for improved public-school systems and accountability, greater pathways to higher education, and leadership development. The Virtual Educational Forum will provide opportunities for parents, friends, and others to engage in a dialogue about how they can help their kids stay engaged in their education; speak to educators on how to navigate this new educational reality; and receive information about available resources.
With a focus on social, educational and economic impact, the African Leadership Group hosts a major community event every year, Afrik Impact, to celebrate our collective accomplishments, recognize our community champions, and cast the vision for our next year of policy and advocacy work. In all of this, we celebrate loud and proud the positive impact of African people in Colorado and honor our contributions. During our 2019 Gala Celebration, we were both proud and honored to have the Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis issue an official proclamation establishing the month of August as AFRICAN IMMIGRANT MONTH in the state of Colorado.
Click here to register.